Christmas Toys That Help Increase Kids Physical Activity

During the holiday season, parents and grandparents are confronted with choosing Christmas Toys for their kids or grand kids. Now is the time to possibly buy a few presents that will also add to your childrens’ health by increasing their physical activity. There are dozens of toys available that will increase your kids physical activity. Below we discuss 6 different toys for both girls and boys, and for different children’s age groups, that will get your kids up off the couch or from behind the computer.

For Babies:

Let’s start our babies off with a bit of physical activity. Choosing a Christmas Toy for baby may seem difficult, yet one of the best gifts we can give them is a baby “gym”. These toys usually come with a mat and highly attractive items that attach to the mat like colorful toy animals or lights. Some even have music.

The Rainforest Melodies and Lights Deluxe Gym by Fisher Price is a great baby “gym.” It offers lights and musical melodies in a rainforest setting. It will help increase your baby’s actions and their coordination as they reach for the various toys. And it can keep baby entertained, yet calm too.

For Toddlers – Ages 9 months to 3 Years Old

As our children become more mobile toddling around, we may wish to engage their interest in using the Hasbro Playskool Step Start Walk ‘n Ride This is an excellent gift for toddlers from 9 months to 3 years old. What is great about this particular product is, it is a “two in one”. You can start it out as a sturdy walker that can help your baby learn to stand and walk. Then you can convert it into a ride-on scooter. This product could have your baby to toddler zipping around in no time.

Sometimes as busy parents, we use the television as a “baby sitter.” I know I did when my daughter was little. I would sit her in front of the TV with her blankie and turn on a show made for little ones. She would be captivated for an hour or so. As we know now, this is not an especially good way to entertain our young ones.

Instead, it might be a good idea to use the Smart Cycle Extreme. This is an excellent Christmas toy to help increase physical activity in our children three years to six years old. You set it up with the TV and load its programs. Your kids can ride the “bike” and it will seem as if they are riding through all types of terrain. The handle bars will even give the impression of riding over bumpy paths.

For Children Ages 6 and Up

As our kids get a little older, it becomes even more of a challenge to get them off the couch or from behind the computer. At ages 6 or 7 and up, they seem to be able to use the computer better than we can! One toy that can be played indoors or outside that will surely hold their interest is the Wild Planet Hyper Dash.

This particular toy can be played with alone, in pairs or in teams. So it covers all the bases if you have just a single child or several. Hyper Dash offers an electronic “tagger” and five different colored and numbered targets. The “tagger” plays music and will call out which target the player must “strike.” It keeps track of the time that it takes to go through the sequences and the course. You can set the targets as far away from each other as you like. There are even four different game modes. This product challenges your kids speed, skill, memory and increases coordination and teamwork.

For Children Ages 8 and Up

If you wish to increase your kids outdoor physical activities, coordination and a whole lot of fun, then you may wish to purchase the Razor E100 Electric Scooter for Christmas. This particular model requires a physical start, meaning it has be pushedd and going at least 3 mph before you can push the button to start the little engine. The scooter can get up to 10 mph which is fast enough for fun, yet not too fast. It has a rechargeable battery that will last up to 40 minutes.

Fun for the Whole Family

Most people are aware that the Wii Game System is an excellent choice in increase physical activity for the whole family. It has numerous games that will get the whole family moving. If you do not have this game system, you may wish to consider buying it soon. The price has gone down and during the holidays, there will probably be many discounts found online.

If you already have the Wii Game System, than you may be interestd in the Wii Motion Plus. It is a Wii game controller accessory that adds to the controller’s sensitivity. It makes the controller respond faster to the slightest twist of the wrist, or any body motion. With more sensitivity, it brings a whole new level to playing Wii games by enhancing accuracy and play control.