Positioning of Air Purifiers

The top class air cleansers are nowadays very vital for the betterment of the health and fitness. The reason behind that is majority of the people in the world stay most of the time inside the buildings i.e. in their offices and homes instead of outside in fresh air. In such a case the air purifiers are very much important and useful. because they clean the air and eliminate all the kinds of pollutants and impurities that are present in the environment.

It is a common rule that the positioning of the air purifiers in huge. And wide areas makes it really hard for the device to clean the air. Wide areas in the house, particularly those that have got very high roof make the air filtration process a little more difficult. The rule I will suggest you for the wide areas is that to try to direct the cleaned air drain from the cleanser to the surrounding area of the residents. Most of the devices that are available in the market have this quality that permits the consumer to direct. Where the purified air cycle starts and finishes.

It will be better if you position the cleansers in your bedroom initially. Position the device 5 to 9 feet from bed and the direction of the registers must be towards the bed. In case the device is set really near to you then you would probably feel its breeze. On the other hand if it is positioned too far. Then you would not be able to take in fresh air. The smaller the area, the better will be the filtration of air. That is why I recommend you to begin from your bedroom. Because you normally spend a lot of time there instead of other places in the house.

Well, if you spend more time in some other part of your house. Then just remember to position the device just 5 to 9 feet from the area where you stay mostly. It’s not at all compulsory to place the purifier a little above the ground level as the gravity is drawing the particles downward. The suction power of the air cleanser actually draws the particles in the direction of the device. Majority of the air cleanser producers apply an air-stream that is directing from the base to the top. Which means that the air is drawnn in the device at the base. And afterwards is dispersedd in the upward direction.